How to Use Canonical Tags with Slugs to Boost Your SEO Strategy

Canonical tags and slugs are two powerful tools in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that can help your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Canonical tags tell search engines which version of a page to index, while slugs are short, descriptive URLs that make it easier for users to find your content. Together, canonical tags and slugs can help you improve your SEO strategy by helping search engines understand the structure of your web pages and boost your rankings. In this article, we’ll explain how to use canonical tags and slugs to optimize your SEO strategy, as well as provide best practices for implementation.

1. What are Canonical Tags?

Canonical tags are HTML elements that are used to indicate the original source of a webpage or piece of content. They are used to help search engine algorithms understand which version of a page should be indexed and which versions should be ignored. Canonical tags can help prevent duplicate content issues, improve SEO, and provide other advantages to website owners. This guide will explain what canonical tags are, how they work, and why they are important. We'll also provide some tips on how to implement them on your website.

The search engine ranking benefits

The search engine ranking benefits of using canonical tags with slugs to boost your SEO strategy include:

  1. Avoiding duplicate content penalties: Using canonical tags can help you avoid being penalized by search engines for having duplicate content on your site. When search engines find duplicate content, they may choose to only index one version of the content, which can hurt your SEO rankings. By using canonical tags, you can help ensure that search engines index the version of the content that you want them to.
  2. Consolidating link equity: By consolidating different versions of a URL into a single, canonical version, you can also consolidate the link equity (i.e. the authority or "ranking power" of a page) that those different versions have accrued. This can help boost the SEO rankings of the canonical version of the page
  3. Improving crawl efficiency: Using canonical tags can also help search engine crawlers more efficiently crawl your site, by directing them to the preferred version of a page and reducing the need to crawl multiple versions of the same content.
  4. Simplifying site management: Finally, using canonical tags can help simplify site management by reducing the need to create multiple versions of the same content. This can save time and resources and allow you to focus on creating high-quality, unique content that can improve your SEO rankings.

How to use Canonical Tags

As you can see, using the canonical tag is an excellent way to tell search engines that multiple pages on your site are similar, but have minor differences that should be treated as separate pages. It is important to use canonical tags when you have multiple pages with similar content, but only want search engines to index one of those pages. Using the canonical tag will make sure that the search engines treat the chosen page as the main one and that the other pages are not indexed. It is also a good idea to use canonical tags when you have a page that is a sub-page of another page. Instead of creating a duplicate page, you can make sure that the page that exists is the one that the search engines see as the main page. This will make sure that the page is counted as a separate page and that the other page is not counted as a duplicate of the main page.

How NOT to use Canonical Tags

You're probably wondering what on earth is a canonical tag and why should you care about it. Well, a canonical tag is a code that should be placed on your website to tell search engines what the original version of a URL is. If you have multiple URLs on your site that lead to the same page, Google can be confused as to which one to show in the search results. The canonical tag is there to tell Google that one of these pages is the original page, and the other pages should be considered duplicates and not shown in the search results. The only time you should use a canonical tag is if you have multiple pages that are serving the same content. If you're using a canonical tag, using the right code is important. Canonical tags are meant to be used in the head of your HTML document and should be placed after the title tag but before any meta tags. If you're not sure whether or not your site is properly using canonical tags, it's best to consult with a professional.,

2. What is a Canonical URL?

Have you ever heard of a canonical URL? If you are a website owner, especially an e-commerce one, then knowing what this term means is essential. A canonical URL is a way to tell search engines that two or more pages of your website are on the same page and should be treated as such. This is especially important for e-commerce stores since there are often multiple variations of the same item with slight variations in the URL. By using a canonical URL, you are preventing search engines from seeing these variations as duplicate content and thus hurting your SEO ranking. In this article, we'll explain what a canonical URL is and why it's important for e-commerce stores. We'll also provide some tips on how to implement them on your website.

The URL is the same for all the pages that are related to one particular topic

Search engines use a variety of factors to determine where a website should rank in search results, but one of the most important factors is the domain's authority. When a site has a lot of authority, it means that the site has a good reputation, and the site is of high quality. Authority is also a factor in how many sites link to your site, and how authoritative those sites are. The more authoritative sites that link to your site, the higher your site's search engine rankings will be.

3. How to Use Canonical Tags with Slugs

Canonical tags are an important part of modern search engine optimization. They help to ensure that search engine crawlers can accurately index your website content. When set up properly, they can also help you to improve your website's ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). In this article, we'll discuss what canonical tags are and how to use them with slugs. We'll also explain why it's important to use canonical tags with slugs, as well as some tips on how to set them up correctly. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of how canonical tags and slugs work together and why they are important for SEO.

4. Canonical tag with or without the rel=canonical

Canonical tags are a type of HTML tag used to help search engines index webpages more effectively. The tag provides a way for website owners to indicate which version of a page should be indexed and can help resolve issues such as duplicate content. But the question remains: Should the rel=canonical keyword be included in the tag? The answer is yes, but it depends on the situation. If your web pages are duplicates, then the rel=canonical keyword should be included. This keyword helps search engine crawlers identify which version of a webpage should be indexed. On the other hand, if you have a preferred version of a webpage that you want to be indexed, but you do not have any duplicate content, then it is not necessary to include the rel=canonical keyword. For this instance, it is enough to indicate the address of the preferred page in the canonical tag.

5. How to Use Canonical Tags with the 'rel' attribute only

Canonical tags are a key element in website optimization. They are used to indicate to search engines which version of a page should be indexed and how duplicate content should be handled. The rel attribute is the only attribute found in a canonical tag, making it an integral part of the tag. In this article, we will discuss the proper use of the rel attribute in a canonical tag and why it is necessary. Additionally, we will cover some common mistakes when using canonical tags so you can avoid them. By understanding the correct use of the rel attribute, you can make sure your website is optimized for search engines and that your content is indexed accurately.

To use canonical tags with the rel attribute only, follow these steps

  1. Identify the preferred URL for your web page. This is the URL that you want search engines to consider as the canonical URL for your content.
  2. Insert the following code into the head section of your web page:
    <link rel="canonical" href="">
    Replace "" with the URL of the preferred version of your web page.
  3. Repeat this process for each page on your website that has duplicate or similar content.

By using the rel attribute only, you are indicating to search engines that the link is canonical. This tells search engines that the preferred URL for the content is the one that the canonical link points to.

However, it is important to note that using the rel attribute alone does not provide a complete solution to duplicate content issues. Search engines may still identify multiple versions of the same content on your website, and this can negatively impact your search engine rankings. For this reason, it is recommended to use the link element along with the rel attribute to ensure that search engines recognize the preferred URL for your content.

6. How not to use the rel attribute to mark a canonical tag

The rel attribute should never be used to mark a canonical tag. This is because the rel attribute is intended for use in HTML to define the relationship between two elements. For example, you might use it to define a link as “nofollow” or “sponsored”. It is not intended to be used to define the page that you consider the primary page for a given set of content, which is what the canonical tag does. A canonical tag can be added to a page through the use of a meta tag, which should always be placed within the section of the page. The rel attribute should not be used in place of this meta tag. Doing so will not result in the desired effect and may lead to incorrect indexing of your content.


Canonical tags are a powerful tool for SEO, because they allow search engines to find and index the original content, while also reducing the risk of duplicate content. When used with slugs, canonical tags can be even more effective. By using canonical tags with slugs, you can ensure that your pages are indexed properly and that your content is organized in an SEO-friendly way. Additionally, using rel attributes and link elements will ensure that search engines understand which page is the original source of your content. With these tips to guide you, you will be able to get the most out of your SEO strategy with canonical tags and slugs.

EZ Word Counter TeamPublished on March 30, 2023
5 Reasons Why Using Slugs in URLs is Essential for SEO
March 30, 20235 Reasons Why Using Slugs in URLs is Essential for SEO

When creating content for your website, it's important to optimize it for search engines to increase your chances of being discovered by your target audience